Category Management
Saving pipeline tracking
Third-party Integration
Finding a supplier and pricing an item simply isn’t enough. A strategic approach to sourcing is vital for realizing immediate requirements, satisfying enterprise-wide reduction in costs. By identifying cost-cutting opportunities, defining and executing a supplier selection process, and creating contracts, converts into actual savings
Companies are adapting the new, evolution in digital economy aligning the business and procurement processes in meeting the global demands of supply chain. Businesses need to look at the bigger & broader picture and thereby have a more complete view of “how to collaborate”, “negotiate”, and “connect with your suppliers”.
The SAP® Ariba® Sourcing solution is designed to help companies overcome the challenges of selection, contract creation and execution; Ariba is a unique software-as-a-service solution, complete strategic sourcing offering in the market being used by enterprises to create and implement competitive best-value agreements. By combining cutting edge sourcing and negotiation technology, SAP Ariba Sourcing is enabling the industry, to drive quickly the sourcing lifecycle, by automating and rationalizing vital processes:
Innovation Partner with SAP Ariba
Skilled set of trained consultants
Working with industry on innovations